On September 22, 2023, BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham had the privilege of extending a warm welcome to Rep. Kevin Mullin, a distinguished Congressman representing California’s 15th congressional district. Rep. Mullin’s visit to Akshardham was marked by a profound sense of unity and cultural exchange.

Akshardham, standing as a symbol of spirituality and cultural heritage, is a place of inspiration and devotion for countless visitors. Its artistic and architectural grandeur as well as commitment to helping the community have made it a cherished destination in the local community.

Rep. Mullin, known for his dedication to public service and commitment to causes such as civic engagement and climate resilience, brought his unique perspective to Akshardham. “I was struck immediately at how open and welcoming Akshardham is. That anyone from any walk of life – this community – can come here, and that is a value,” Rep. Mullin stated.

Rep. Mullin also had the opportunity to tour the Akshardham Mahamandir – the heart of the campus – and meet with several BAPS volunteers. He emphasized the importance of volunteerism and giving back to the community in a meaningful way.

“Talking with the volunteers, I got the sense that this was a deeply moving experience for them, especially the young people. This will be something they carry with them for the rest of their lives,” Rep. Mullin remarked.

Rep. Mullin’s visit to the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham highlighted the enduring message of unity and cultural appreciation, fostering stronger ties between different communities.