On August 21, 2023, the acclaimed Indian actor Suniel Shetty was welcomed to Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, New Jersey. With a diverse career that spans roles as an action hero, fitness icon, entrepreneur, film producer, and television personality, Shetty’s visit to Akshardham was profound and deeply personal.

Reflecting on Akshardham’s cultural and societal significance, he added, “Akshardham imparts profound lessons about our rich culture and leaves an indelible social impact. The satisfaction evident on the faces of visitors from diverse backgrounds is a testament to its universal appeal.”

His interaction with HH Mahant Swami Maharaj was deeply emotional and transformative, filled with feelings of reverence and gratitude. “I experienced goosebumps, felt tears well up in my eyes. I prayed for the well-being of all, putting my own needs last. This place fills me with the belief that every prayer will be answered.”

Finally, Suniel Shetty praised the craftsmanship and communal efforts that built Akshardham, asserting that true relationships are forged through love, understanding, and shared purpose – not through the fleeting interactions of social media.