Bharat Patel, Chairman of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association and a figurehead in the hotel industry since the late ’80s, enjoyed his experience at the Swaminarayan Akshardham in Robbinsville, New Jersey.

Walking through the serene corridors and tranquil gardens, Patel found himself particularly drawn to the camaraderie and high spirits that permeate the temple complex. “It’s quite a challenge to characterize spirituality unless you’re right here, amidst it,” Patel shared.

Amidst the ethereal ambiance, it was the sheer dedication of the volunteers that struck a chord with him. “Every face reflects a story of service, of ‘seva’. There’s this palpable joy, an unmistakable happiness among everyone present,” he observed.

Reflecting on the broader canvas of America, Patel eloquently stated, “Our beloved nation truly embodies its creed of religious diversity. In this temple, the freedom of expression, the liberty of religion finds tangible form. No matter where you are in North America, take a moment, and see what has been built here. Akshardham stands as a testament to Hinduism’s place in America, an emblem of our freedom to live and practice our beliefs.”

He further added, “We often find solace in the smallest of things – food or company. But here, at Akshardham, you’re engulfed in a feeling of vitality. I urge you, bring along someone who might not tread the traditional path of religion. Let them soak in the atmosphere, and witness the transformation as they leave.”